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about passing parameters dynamically

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:25 am
by loe_ram13
Hi All,
I have a target table Name as
07 is year
C-MAR & so on.
I pass a recorddate:20070506 i.e(06-may-2007)
by using this record date can I dynamically build the target table name??
Can i use DSGetParamInfo & if I can suggest how...
Eagerly awaiting a reply as this would be really useful...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:13 am
by ray.wurlod
Not in one job. You can only build the target table name dynamically by passing these values as job parameters, then constructing the table name from these, or by constructing the table name in the invoking job sequence.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:27 am
by loe_ram13
ray.wurlod wrote:Not in one job. You can only build the target table name dynamically by passing these values as job parameters, then constructing the table name from these, or by constructing the table name in the i ...

I am an amateur in datastage.
Can you help me how can I do the same??

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:06 am
by 47shailesh
what i get from ur question is that u want to create table based on the i/p values...

What u have to do is to use some parameter say "ipdate" and pass it to target stage where you can have ur table creation query and ur query will look smthg like:

Create table #ipdate# <column name> <col type>

you have to use a batch job that will read input dates one by one and should have logic to map Jan to A, Feb to B & so on.. and then you can store the final mapping to 'ipdate' and pass it to the table creation job one by one...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:04 am
by loe_ram13
47shailesh wrote:what i get from ur question is that u want to create table based on the i/p values...

What u have to do is to use some parameter say "ipdate" and pass it to target stage where you can have ur table creation query and ur query will look smthg like:

Create table #ipdate# <column name> <col type>

you have to use a batch job that will read input dates one by one and should have logic to map Jan to A, Feb to B & so on.. and then you can store the final mapping to 'ipdate' and pass it to the table creation job one by one...

What do i do with batch job??
How do I read the date 1 by 1??
Kindly help....

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:46 am
by 47shailesh
If you have all the dates stored in a file then use this code in batch

datefile=filename with fullpath

Openseq <datefile> to <tempfile>
ReadSeq Rec from <tempfile> else eof=1
Loop Until eof
ipdate=Field(Rec, "|", 1)

'call the job and pass ipdate as parameter to it'

WEOFseq <tempfile>
Close <tempfile>

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:31 am
by chulett
You don't "need" a batch job, though one certainly could be used.

You could read the file in a Server job, build your table name from the date and then run your other job once per record. Look at the UtilityRunJob routine in the 'sdk\Utility' category, it is what you would use in the transformer. Double-click on it and check the Long Description.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:43 pm
by loe_ram13
47shailesh wrote:If you have all the dates stored in a file then use this code in batch

datefile=filename with fullpath

Openseq <datefile> to <tempfile>
ReadSeq Rec from <tempfile> else eof=1
Loop Until eof
ipdate=Field(Rec, "|", 1)

'call the job and pass ipdate as parameter to it'

WEOFseq <tempfile>
Close <tempfile>

Thanx foor the code.
I dont have any file which conatins date.
I am passing date as parameter.
Say Parameter name is RDATE(2007-05-06).
What i want to do is,taking this date I want to build a table X_07E because,
from 2007, I get 07 & since month is 05(May) i get E.
Now I want to store this X_07E as a parameter and use it to update the table X_07E.
Can u help me again......

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:29 pm
by JoshGeorge
Call the job from a sequence and pass the table name as parameter and pass this as parameter from the sequence :

'x_' : '2007-05-06'[3,2] : if RDATE[6,2] = '10' Then 'J' Else if RDATE[6,2] = '11' Then 'K' Else if RDATE[6,2] = '12' Then 'L' Else Ereplace(Convert("123456789", "ABCDEFGHI", RDATE[6,2]), '0','')

where RDATE is the date you want to pass to conver into table name and RDATE is in this format YYYY-MM-DD.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:15 am
by loe_ram13
JoshGeorge wrote:Call the job from a sequence and pass the table name as parameter and pass this as parameter from the sequence :

'x_' : '2007-05-06'[3,2] : if RDATE[6,2] = '10' Then 'J' Else if RDATE[6,2] = '11' Then 'K' Else if RDATE[6,2] = '12' Then 'L' Else Ereplace(Convert("123456789", "ABCDEFGHI", RDATE[6,2]), '0','')

where RDATE is the date you want to pass to conver into table name and RDATE is in this format YYYY-MM-DD.
What I thought was:
Call a before Jiob Subroutine.
Here Pass parameter RDATE as 2007-06-05
Then this routine will overwrite the RDATE as R_00107F.
Is this possible??
I have written the routine which converts date in required format.
But I am not knowing how to overwrite it as parameter again....
Any ideas????

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:40 am
by ray.wurlod
Once a job has started you can not change its parameter values. They must be changed before the job starts - that is, in the controlling job (sequence).