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Problem in passing number as parameter

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:49 pm
by rcil
Hello All,

I am trying to pass a number (Ex: 6000) as job parameter and use that parameter in the stage variable. But the job parameter is acting weired. Below are the complete details.

I added a job parameter with name AmtDiff with value as 6001. My logic int he stage variable is

StageVariable : svDiffAmt

Code: Select all

If lkp.NOTFOUND then 1 else if  ((lnlink.AMOUNT- lkp.AMOUNT) <> 0 and (lnlink.AMOUNT- lkp.AMOUNT) > AmtDiff ) then 1 else 0
My constraint is svDiffAmt = 1

In the result I am getting the negative values as well. When I used the function like > Num(AmtDiff) I am not getting the negative values but there are some positive values in the file that are less than the parameter value (6000).

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:39 pm
by ray.wurlod
That logic can only generate 1 or 0, so why do you say you are "getting negative values"?

Did you build the expression with the expression editor? If not, please do so - you may have made one small typing error.