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Oracle Stage and Sequential File

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:04 am
by Mike3000
Here is a thing:
server job consists of a standard [Oracle OCI] stage as source and
[sequential file] as a target.
We face an Oracle 9i DB.
We select rows from a source and need to write this to the
target (a sequential file). No [Transformer] stage is involved.
We can view data through the source stage, but when we run
the job, the target file is created(on a client PC) empty and not even one row goes to the target.

But the most interesting thing that errors looks like this:
Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage my_unload_to_seqOCI..Sequential_File_1.IDENT1

For [sequential] stage we tried to use :
[x]Overwrite or [x]Append options,
but the result is the same

Any ideas?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:48 am
by chulett
1) Add a transformer. If the problem persists,

2) Reset the aborted job and post any 'From previous run...' log entry.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:31 pm
by Mike3000
We added a [Transformer] and the error changed to :

"Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage my_unload_to_seqOCI..Transformer_7"

According to my observation, i think the problem with
[Oracle]-stage, but don't know what is wrong with it?

We used [Oracle OCI] stage everytime, and it was NOT
any problem.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:56 pm
by chulett
When it aborted, did you reset it? If so, did a 'From previous run...' message show in the log?

Anything 'special' or different about your SQL in this case? Is it generated or user defined?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:02 pm
by mctny
What's the error or warning before this error?
Mike3000 wrote:We added a [Transformer] and the error changed to :
"Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage my_unload_to_seqOCI..Transformer_7"

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:06 pm
by Mike3000
This is a message after the reset:

From previous run
DataStage Job 98 Phantom 5020
Program "JOB.1427108223.DT.1437338697.TRANS1": Line 43, Exception raised in GCI subroutine:
Access violation.
Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage my_unload_to_seqOCI..Transformer_7
Program "DSP.Close": Line 87, Exception raised in GCI subroutine:
Access violation.

As of SQL statement, it's a simple one (without errors), because
using DS [View data] in this stage i can see the selected rows

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:15 pm
by Mike3000
More details,
does it make any sense, that this type of error
could come up because the Oracle installation was done
from user=OracleUser(NOT from Administrator), but
DS Server was installed from Windows Administrator???

Any ideas?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:41 am
by muruganr117
Mike3000 wrote:This is a message after the reset:

From previous run
DataStage Job 98 Phantom 5020
Program "JOB.1427108223.DT.1437338697.TRANS1": Line 43, Exception raised in GCI subroutine:
Access violation.
Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage my_unload_to_seqOCI..Transformer_7
Program "DSP.Close": Line 87, Exception raised in GCI subroutine:
Access violation.

As of SQL statement, it's a simple one (without errors), because
using DS [View data] in this stage i can see the selected rows

I would like to provide with some inputs.
I have faced a similar kind of ABORT, not exactly similar though..
When i enquired PHANTOM errors are errors which Datastage doesnt know.. also i can see access violation error in the log provided. In this case there is problem with access to DB, may be the username/ password / schema doesnt match or reasons pertaining to that.

For the phantom error, what it seems to me is the DB has got locked somewhere and Datastage server is not able to access the DB. it is better to try out by restarting both the DB & DataStage server and again run the job.

Hope it works out..

thank you
Murugan R

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:32 pm
by pradeepleon
Mike3000 wrote:More details,
does it make any sense, that this type of error
could come up because the Oracle installation was done
from user=OracleUser(NOT from Administrator), but
DS Server was installed from Windows Administrator???

Any ideas?
Instead of editing the previous(old) job,Try designing a new job and run.

Hope this might work.