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ODBC Connection for Oracle

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:59 am
by devsonali

I have installed Oracle and just wondering how to use the tables in oracle ,
This is what I tried
Manager- Import- table definations - ODBC tables
it prompts me for DSN name , User Name and password
Now when I go to administrative tools and try to add DSN

During the Oracle 8 ODBC drivers Set Up I am suppose to enter DataSource Name ,Service Name and User ID

Can Anybody explain what am I suppose to enter ?
This may be very basic question but I am new to Datawarehousing and just started with Datastage.
Please let me know if I can find all the above information in the online documentation as I tried searching it but could not find these details

Thanks a lot in advance .

Re: ODBC Connection for Oracle

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:08 am
by chulett
devsonali wrote:This may be very basic question but I am new to Datawarehousing and just started with Datastage.
Actually, these aren't DW or DS concepts, they're just Oracle and ODBC questions. You haven't really gotten to the DataStage bits yet. They should just work if this gets setup correctly. :wink:

Talk to your DBA, they should be able to help. The DSN needs to be created on the Server machine, not your client PC, by the way.

Do you really have Oracle 8?