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Can a Hyperion / Essbase job be launched from DataStage?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:08 am
by kenstorm
Hello People!

I was wondering if anyone had tried to run a Hyperion report or job from a DataStage job or Sequencer. DataStage and Hyperion are installed on two separate Windows servers.

Sorry if I left out important details, I have never tried it before and have no idea how to go about it. :oops:

Thanks for your help.


Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:20 am
by chulett
Anything you can script, DataStage can 'launch'. Two primary ways: from a Sequence job the Execute Command stage would do the trick, or it could be done before/after a Server job using ExecDOS or ExecSH.

Curious though, what role would DataStage play here? Other than the launcher, that is?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:31 am
by kenstorm

Thanks for the idea! I forgot about ExecDOS. I could string a BAT file together to do the work and launch it from a job.

For this particular task, the role of DataStage would just be a scheduler or launcher. We use Cybermation to run all our Sequencers. So our Business Analysts want DataStage to run their Hyperion reports that will have dependencies on certain DataStage jobs.

Your next question would then be, why can't you just use Cybermation to run Hyperion reports? Good question! I will ask to see if this a possibility.


Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:36 am
by chulett
kenstorm wrote:Your next question would then be, why can't you just use Cybermation to run Hyperion reports? Good question! I will ask to see if this a possibility.

Exactly right, that would have been the next question!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:38 am
by rameshrr3
'Business Requirements' would most probably be the answer.