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Repetitive Header in XML output file

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:47 am
by shilpa79
sample file:

<EnterpriseDocument InterfaceName="XXXXXXXX" Version="1.0" CreationTimestamp="2007-03-19 18:16:51" CreationSource="Enterprise">
--<Fuel BUC="001418" Date="01/12/2007" BILL="096146" BOLDate="2007-06-01" INVNO="627740123">
<Item lID="1020" VOL="2100.000" fuelExtendedCost="5636.16
<EnterpriseDocument InterfaceName="XXXXXXXX" Version="1.0" CreationTimestamp="2007-03-19 18:16:51" CreationSource="Enterprise">

The header is repeating for each detail .I would like to get just the header
once and detail in multiple

Which will be the best way to do that.


Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:43 pm
by anntaylor
I believe you need to set the lowest level on the output as the key. Item lID in this case.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:04 am
by chulett
Or post your XPath expressions and indicate which you've marked as the key.