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Slow performance executing SQL sp using ODBC

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:15 am
by jusami25
Hi experts,

I have defined an ODBC connection to a SQL Server 2005. I'm executing a stored procedure using the ODBC stage and the performance is really slow (1 row per 3 sec). When i execute the Store Procedure from the MS SQL Server Management Studio the performance is (350 rows / sec)

It seems to be an ODBC configuration problem, but i'm not sure.

Could you, please, help me? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:08 am
by kcbland
There's no difference between using SQL and an SP to a job. Does data stream as expected using an ODBC stage and regular SQL? Switching to a SP should make no difference to the driver itself. If this is a new installation or the first time you're working with SQL Server, consider verifying your ODBC driver is compatible to 2005. (I scratch my head because I remember someone in the last few weeks discovering some compatibility problem, I'll search the forum and post back.)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:26 am
by kcbland
Here's a previous problem with the ODBC drivers and SQL Server 2005.
