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difference between killing the job and unlock the job

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:30 am
by mallikharjuna
Hi all,

difference between killing the job and unlock the job.

Thanksin advance

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:03 am
by kumar_s
This terms are generally used in following scenario.
If a job is running forever, or for any extreme case like restarting the engine, the running jobs need to be stopped. Some times, the stop option available in the director might take a long to stop the job. So the PID of the corresponding Job will be killed using Kill command from command prompt.
If a job is been used in some client and if a session got broken before the job been closed, the process will still remain in the state as if its been accessed, and will not allow other to access it. There will be a lock held at project level. So that job need to be unlocked. It can be done using the "Cleanup resource" option available in Director.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:04 am
by kumar_s
This terms are generally used in following scenario.
If a job is running forever, or for any extreme case like restarting the engine, the running jobs need to be stopped. Some times, the stop option available in the director might take a long to stop the job. So the PID of the corresponding Job will be killed using Kill command from command prompt.
If a job is been used in some client and if a session got broken before the job been closed, the process will still remain in the state as if its been accessed, and will not allow other to access it. There will be a lock held at project level. So that job need to be unlocked. It can be done using the "Cleanup resource" option available in Director.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:05 am
by ArndW
Killing a job is something that, under normal circumstances, should never be done. Jobs should be stopped from the graphical front end.
Unlocking a job is only necessary when it has failed in an unexpected manner or someone has killed it.