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Waiting for a file the kicking off a job

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:53 pm
by rmcclure
Newbie question:

I am looking itno a process where anytime a file appears in a directory a server job is kicked off.

In the ideal world:
A file appears -> Job 1 runs, kicks of Job 2 and job 1 ends -> Job 2 waits for a file runs a process, restarts Job 1 to start the waiting process all over.
I can't put this in one job because it will create a loop.

My questions are:
Can you submit a datastage job from the command line?
Will the execute command activity, execute the command and end the job or does it wait for the command to finish.
If I have a job sitting (for hours on end) with the wait for file activity, is it going to suck up processing power for nothing.

Re: Waiting for a file the kicking off a job

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:44 pm
by narasimha
My questions are:
Can you submit a datastage job from the command line?
- Yes, look into dsjob

Will the execute command activity, execute the command and end the job or does it wait for the command to finish.
- It waits for the command to finish. (Define the triggers appropriately)

If I have a job sitting (for hours on end) with the wait for file activity, is it going to suck up processing power for nothing.
- It does run a process for it. But I dont think it is very intensive.