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DS backup

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:47 pm
by DeepakCorning
Please refer to - ... 21b8b62429

Chulett ,

When you say "The other way is a 'normal' filesystem level backup so that the full DS installation and things like your hashed files are backed up as well" do you mean a simple copy paste in come other place?? Will this make sure that the hash file are intact? Also if I create a new project with a different name and paste all these files in it then will the Hashed file will be in sync or it does not work liek that?
If not then what is a ideal way to back up a project in Datastage with the jobs and the hashed file...

I have also posted the same query in the old post as well but did not get any replies so thought will start a new one. Sorry for the confusion :shock:

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:32 pm
by chulett
You certainly didn't wait very long before you decided no-one was going to reply. And you don't need to invoke me by name, anyone can answer questions here.

I just meant a normal regular filesystem / disk backup, like you would do to tape or some other removable media on a Windows system. This would get you all of the supporting files and structures outside of the repository that you get in a Project export.

As to your hashed file question, it would depend on what kind they were - pathed or in an account. What hashed files are you specifically asking about? The ones you create and use in your jobs? The hashed files that support the repository? If the former, then 'yes', for the latter 'no' - but I'd still like you to clarify your question...

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:16 pm
by DeepakCorning
Sorry if the post offended in any way....

The Hashed file which are created during the jobs. These Hashed file are located in the default directory. Any way to back them up??

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:25 pm
by chulett
No offense taken, just a comment.

Define 'default directory'? Do you mean the Project directory? In any case a filesystem backup can get them, like any other hashed file. The 'problem' with that (if you do mean in the 'account' that is the Project) is the VOC record pointer in the Project, plenty of conversations on that subject here that a Search would turn up.

I believe that Ray has mentioned a uvbackup command but I've never played with it. Might be worth searching for here as well.