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Sequential file different number of fields every row

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:04 am
by gomez
Hi All:
I have to extract a sequential file which has the following structure:
This structure repeats itself in the file. The first 6 characters in a line indicates the type - Header/Detail/Trailer.
However Detail line can be 1 or many between a header and trailer.
I want to extract them all, transform the detail row and load them all into a single file obviously in the exact order. Any clue on how this can be done?

I referred to the post

Code: Select all
in the forum which talks about a similar scenario. The difference is in the repeating patterns in the same file
Appreciate any help on this


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:10 am
by ArndW
If you do not need the Header/Trailer rows then just ignore them (drop them in a transform stage). If you need some data from a Header line, put it into a stage variable in the same transform stage where you drop these rows.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:13 am
by gomez
Thanks ArndW. I would need the header/trailer data as well. I would have to bring them out in the same order as
And a header/detail/ trailer consists of different number of fields
Do I bring them as a single field into the transformer. Then using staging variables route them to three different links from the transformer into row splitter stages. Now how do I collect them in the same order as I read into the final target

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:23 am
by ArndW
You can use the method you suggested and use the @INROWNUM variable as a key to rejoin them after processing, or just declare additional columns in the input file that aren't used, just mark them as "incomplete column - retain" and don't use them for the record formats that don't use them.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:48 pm
by gomez
Thanks ARNDW. Yes I am actually stuck in the next step. I have now generated 3 files - Header, Detail, Trailer using Transformer/Row splitter. However I wouldnt be able to use a Merge Stage to merge the Header file, Detail file and Trailer file since they have different columns. I wouldnt be able to use a Link Collector either since there is no single column configuration that I can define in the stage.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:12 pm
by gomez
My job design is like this

Code: Select all

Source --> Transformer(to split 3 data streams) -->Row Splitter (three of them one  for each stream)---> Transformer(to transform data - three of them for each stream)--->  Row Merge (three of them for each stream)---> Transform(to create a key column-three of them for each stream) ---> Link Collector --->Output
My input files to the Link Collector are
Header file,
Detail file,
Trailer file
I use Sort/Merge Algorithm in Link Collector.
However, the output from Link Collector is like

Any clue on why this happens?


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:24 pm
by vmcburney
Different parts of your job are processing at different speeds which mixes up the order of your rows. You need to add a sequence number to the start of all header, detail and tail records using an @inrownum and send it down all three paths, in your collector sort by that sequence number.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:12 pm
by gomez
Thanks vmcburney. I tried this and it works. I like the way you also explained to why this happened. Appreciate that. Thanks