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Job Activities in parallel

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:20 am
by tostay2003

I have a sequence with Job Activities (JA) as follows.

Code: Select all

                        __ JA4___
                       /           \
JA1 -> JA2 -> JA3 -------   JA5 ----- -- JA7
                      \ __ JA6 ___/
I have set the sequence as restartable. This is working fine with the Job Activities in serial, but not with parallel.

i.e. lets say JA2 has failed, then when i rectify the error and run. The job starts from JA2 (skipping JA1).

But in case of job acitivies in parallel i.e. JA4 to JA6. When one gets aborted and I run the sequence again. It skips JA1... JA3, but JA4..JA6 start again irrespective of whether they ran successfully last time. How can I avoid the Job Activities which were successful not to run again (when they are in parallel).

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:31 pm
by Kirtikumar
For the job activities j4 to j6, check if the property Do not checkpoint job run is not enabled.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:41 am
by tostay2003

No it is not enabled. Does DataStage deal with JobActivities in parallel differently than with JobActivities in Serial


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:45 am
by chulett
No. We do something similar in many places and don't have this issue. Out of curiousity, what 7.x version are you running?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:24 pm
by tostay2003
I am using 7.5.1 version

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:09 am
by Kirtikumar
Some weird suggestion - copy all the stage in a new job and save it. Set the properties again for check pointing. Compile it again and run it now. See if same thing happens.

The suggestion here has come from solution we have had for few problems. Just creating new job or replacing stage with another instace of the same stage sometimes work.

If this does not help, check the logs in director for the last run as to if it contains the logs for check pointed activities.