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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:45 pm
by vijaykumar
Hi Gurus,
IPC Stage just acts as communicator between 2 active or passive stages,
does it do any transformations.One of my friend is using parameters like
$FSCM_IPC-BUF_SIZE, $FSCM_IPC_TIMEOUT.I never used used these parameters.plz help me in understanding these parameters.why are these parameters used.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:50 pm
by DSguru2B
They are user defined environment variables that 'your friend' must be using within the IPC stage. See where they are defined, read about those properties in IPC stage pdf present in the help books.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:52 pm
by kumar_s
No Transformation. He/She might be using it to assign the values of Buffersize and Timeouts in IPC stage.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:13 pm
by vijaykumar
Hi Gurus,
Thanks very much.
i clicked on property help, it just represents size in K bytes of send/receive buffer.
i didn't understand abt the other parameter (ie) $FSCM_IPC_TIMEOUT which means connection timeout in sec.
what is meant by connection timeout, i cannot understand the term.
plz Gurus help me in analyzing.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:28 pm
by kumar_s
As mentioned, it is an Environmental variable used to define those values. And it might be used in IPC stage properties to define the Buffersize and Timeouts.

If you want the details of Buffer Size and Timeouts, I can help you in pasting the help text.

Buffer Size

Defaults to 128 Kb. The IPC stage uses two blocks of memory; one block can be written to while the other is read from. This property defines the size of each block, so that by default 256 Kb is allocated in total.


Defaults to 10 seconds. This gives time limit for how long the stage will wait for a process to connect to it before timing out. This normally will not need changing, but may be important where you are prototyping multi-processor jobs on single processor platforms and there are likely to be delays.