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regarding aggregator stage

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:14 pm
by vijaykumar
Hi guus,

i was extracting employee table from the source and passed through aggregator stage and then used odbc to store the data.
soure table has columns. target too has the same colums.

in the aggregator stage- i want to find the sum of sal.
so double click the sal column.
in the derivation i have choosen the aggregate function sum.
i double click the column deptno and i have given groupby.
similarly did with the other columns too.
didn''t do with the sal column, since i need to find the sum(sal).

the peculiar problem iam getting is NO DERIVATION FOR COLUMN EMPNO.
but i have double click the column empno and have choosen group by.
why am i getting this type of error. plz help me.


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:31 pm
by ray.wurlod
In the derivation window (double click on the Derivation field) you specify the input column - the drop-down list on the left hand side - and either check the "group by this column" check box or choose an aggregate function from the right-hand drop-down list.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:44 pm
by avi21st
Hi gurus,
i was able to compile th ejob without errors, but now iam getting a different error. when i click the tab- view data in source.

iam getting the error.



Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:49 pm
by I_Server_Whale
Why are you posting under a different user name? Have you hijacked the other person's user id?

Or do you guys belong to a team? Confusing :?

The error you are getting is from Oracle and not from DataStage.

Here's what the error means from google.

Code: Select all

ORA-00904: string: invalid identifier 

Cause: The column name entered is either missing or invalid. 

Action: Enter a valid column name. A valid column name must begin with a letter, be less than or equal to 30 characters, and consist of only alphanumeric characters and the special characters $, _, and #. If it contains other characters, then it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It may not be a reserved word. 


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:52 pm
by vijaykumar
sorry we are in the same group.


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:09 pm
by ray.wurlod
It's certainly NOT an Aggregator-related problem - these don't generate Oracle error codes!