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analyzing universe

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:37 pm
by vijaykumar
when i give the command select * from displaying all the objects which are in manager is saying that its not displaying all the information, and also the data is unstructured without any delimiters.can anyone help me out how can i analyze the data in universe.


Re: analyzing universe

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:44 pm
by narasimha
vijaykumar wrote: not displaying all the information
What information is not displayed?
Are you looking for any partcular information?
You can format the output by using FMT, check out the forum for examples of queries used.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:01 pm
by vijaykumar
when iam using the command select * from DS_JOBOBJECTS
its displaing object type j
object record id 1
object record name v1s1p2
object type l
object record 3
object record name vos5
how can i identify these objects.
i didn't understand the terms. what is meant by object type and which is the source data here, why is it not with proper format. what is meant by object type. plz help me, bz couldn't find any where in manual.


Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:44 pm
by ray.wurlod
It's not UniVerse, it's DataStage, as noted elsewhere.

  • OBJTYPE is a single letter, either "J" for job or "C" for container

    OBJIDNO is the job number, which maps to DS_JOBS.JOBNO or DS_CONTAINERS.CONTAINERNO so that job/shared container names and numbers can be matched.

    OBJNAME is the DataStage Repository ID (DSRID) which is a shorthand way of referring to an object in a job design. "V" is the view number; V0 is the base job, V1 is the first container in that job, and so on. "S" is a stage (the number is that allocated when the stage is painted onto the canvas) and "P" is a "pin" (one end of a link). Therefore V0S3P1 is the first pin on stage 3 in the job. DSRID is used internally by programs involved in running and collecting process metadata from jobs.
None of this information is documented in any manual, as it is not intended for public consumption. What were you planning to do with it?