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ODBC Problem

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:46 pm
by catera0907
ODBC problems

I have installed DataStage 7.5.1 A (Server Edition),
Imported all the jobs from DataStage 6.0,
In one of the job we are using ODBC Stage, which uses two tables, with WHERE clause,
Now the problem is,
In version DataStage 6.0 it returns around 900 rows( which it should do.)
But in DataStage 7.5.1A it returns all the rows (30000),
Any one has similar issues with upgrade of jobs from 6.0 to higher versions.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:07 pm
by roy
What DB are you talking about?
Before you go outside yourself, try rebuilding the job and see does it help.

Also try and see if anything is different, from SQL where part to the ODBC definition your using.

Any additional info might help us help you...