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Problem with Sort stage

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:56 am
by ady
In the query there is order by three fields (ie order by 1,3,4)
and i used sort stage to satisfy that , but the data is not sorting .

any clue why this is happening?

any other solution to sort apart from this?

Re: Problem with Sort stage

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:02 am
by DSguru2B
beaditya wrote:In the query there is order by three fields (ie order by 1,3,4)
and i used sort stage to satisfy that , but the data is not sorting .

any clue why this is happening?

any other solution to sort apart from this?
Click on the blue part to go to beaditya's relating post.

How are you exaclty specifying the sort criteria? Read the plug-in documentation of sort stage for more info.

Re: Problem with Sort stage

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:22 am
by ady
DSguru2B wrote:
beaditya wrote:In the query there is order by three fields (ie order by 1,3,4)
and i used sort stage to satisfy that , but the data is not sorting .

any clue why this is happening?

any other solution to sort apart from this?
Click on the blue part to go to beaditya's relating post.

How are you exaclty specifying the sort criteria? Read the plug-in documentation of sort stage for more info.

i gave in the sort specification as
MGMT_ACCT asc,Redeploy_Eff_Date asc,Eff_Date asc.

is there any other way to do so . its not even sorting MGMT_ACCT either.

Re: Problem with Sort stage

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:39 am
by dsscholar
Why are you not using the "order by" clause in the query itself ..

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:56 am
by DSguru2B
I dont think thats whats happening in the OP's case. I think its more like a datatype problem. beaditya might be expecting a numeric sort on a char field or viceversa.
Even i try not to use the sort stage. I usually adhere to the unix sort. Much faster.