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Difference between two numbers

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:43 pm
by pradkumar

I am trying to substract two entries as follows:

Field1 Field2 difference(Field1-Field2)
3458.90 3458.90
45621.12 -45621.12
When I was trying to do Field1- field2, the datastage is giving an phantom error "Datatype is not proper". I am having all three as numeric datatype.
Even I tried Iconv and Oconv using MD..But when field1 is present and filed2 is empty, there is no result. But if field2 has "0" present in it, it is giving the output.

Then I tried inserting "0's" in emtpy fields of field1 and field2. But my IF condition is npt wprking for it (If Isnull(Field1) then 0 else Field1)

How to solve this?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:51 pm
by ray.wurlod
Start by posting the exact error message. Improper data type may be completely unrelated to your arithmetic. Also post your job design.
You might also benefit by searching the forum for the error message text.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:11 pm
by pradkumar
The Error message is omewhat like this

DataStage Job 1738 Phantom 8193
Program "JOB.1518842743.DT.1420153957.TRANS1": Line 279, Improper data type.
Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage gl_headers2..Transformer_100
DataStage Phantom Aborting with @ABORT.CODE = 3

My job design is pretty straightforward.

Input(Database)--> TX-->Output(Database)

I am implementing simple filed1 - field2 in my derivation

Plz help me out

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:59 pm
by chulett
pradkumar wrote:Program "JOB.1518842743.DT.1420153957.TRANS1": Line 279, Improper data type.
Have you looked to see where this is in your job? The error message will have mentioned a job number so you won't have to look it up from the job name. Go to your Projects directory and into the particular project for your job, you'll find a RT_BPnnn directory there where nnn is the job number. Inside that directory is the TRANS1 file mentioned in the error message.

It's a text file, source code for the transformer in question. Check around line 279 to see what portion of the code is actually causing the problem.