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Intermittent ORA-12545 through sequencer

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:25 pm
by jdulaney
I have a series of jobs, each of which has a sequencer job and a server job. The sequencer serves to retrieve the value of several parameters (such as last updated dttm and batch seq num) and then submits the server job with these values. These jobs executed successfully on our development Ascential server. The rest of the required parameters for the server jobs are stored in DS Env variables.

Today, we moved them to our test server, and some of the jobs failed with a ORA-12545 Connect failed because target host or object failed. Approximately 20 out of 35 failed; the rest worked. If the server job was recompiled and run without using the sequencer, the job worked. The job is still receiving all its connection information from env variables.

We tried re-exporting the jobs and importing into a fresh project. Nothing appeared to have changed; jobs still fail. Recompiling the sequence job does not make any difference. The job still fails. The jobs that work do not appear to be significantly different in structure from the jobs that fail.

I examined the variables passed to the server job; they look ok.

I am baffled as to what might cause the problem or even how to diagnose what is happening at this point. :cry: Does anyone have any suggestions?


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:14 am
by chulett
That error is one of the ones that are a pain to diagnose. I could see none of your jobs working, but 20 out of 35 failed? And you don't see anything different about those 20 I assume. :?

Only suggestion I'd have is to try not passing any of these parameter values in question to the child jobs - leave them blank in the Job Activity stage. Seems to me that would emulate running them without the Sequence job and allow them to default to the values defined in the job itself.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:17 am
by ray.wurlod
Check also for hard-coded settings in the child jobs and for "set to default" settings in the Job activities in the job sequence. Use Set Defaults from the Job menu in Director to set new default values in the new environment or, if you've used $PROJDEF for environment variable job parameters, use Administrator client to set new default values in the new project.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:22 am
by jdulaney
Some further information:

I just went back to the project I exported from. I went to Administrator ( the majority of parameters are set to $PROJDEF) and changed 2 parameters - source and target dbconnections and modified the tnsnames.ora file on the server to see the source database. I then ran one sequence job and it worked.

So, here's what I know:

1. The values of the parameters in Administrator are correct, because some jobs are working.

2. The jobs themselves, before export, are designed correctly and working properly.

3. Recompiling the jobs on the new server doesn't make a difference. Changing something in the sequencer and recompiling doesn't make a difference.

4. The server jobs run correctly if run without the sequencer jobs on the new server. SOME jobs run correctly if run through the sequencer.

Redesigning the jobs on the new server is not an option. This is a migration path issue - we should be able to work on a job in development and move it to test and then production. Also, these are delivered PeopleSoft jobs and my mandate is to make as few changes as possible. My sense is that there is something wrong in the environment, but I can't understand what it is. Since the jobs run in one environment and not in the other, I am baffled.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:33 am
by ray.wurlod
Review the job logs of the jobs that failed. The first logged event ("job starting") shows the parameter values that the job received. Check that these are correct. If not, you need to discover why not. If they are correct you need to review the job designs themselves to ensure that the parameter references are being used correctly.