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Assign value to IDOC Control Record

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:54 pm
by tomato
Hi all,

I have encounter problem as follow:

Situation is, i have 2 DS Job with IDOC stage as target, 1st Job is sending IDOC to DEBMAS, this job already have control record and with assigned value, and is working fine for few years.

2nd Job is sending IDOC to PORDCR1, which did not specify any control record. Now, i wanted to add the control record and assign value to it but SAP just couldn't get it.

I couldn't tell whether i've already apply the Nigel Terry's patch that PhilHibbs mentioned, as i've a job working, and the other don't. Anyway, can anyone tell me how can i get the patch?

Please help me out, your help is much much appreciated.

Best Regards.