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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:41 am
by rafik2k
Hi All,
in my job i am using db2 udb load stage, while loaing data into target it is giving the following error though i set database_name,user_name,password,table_name and other properties correctly.

here database_name is dsn name. when i use odbc stage, it is working fine.
but for db2 udb load stage the following error is given.

bulk_load..DB2_UDB_Load_1: ERROR occurred : loading table, SQLCODE -1024

bulk_load..DB2_UDB_Load_1: SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003

bulk_load..DB2_UDB_Load_1: Error occurred while loading table

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:08 am
by Sreedhar

With the Error log it is clear that the connection to data base was not established
the reasone for that could be
1) Authentication(make sure the user name and password are correct they are case sensitive...)
2) Wrong Server name

Please make sure that the connection to the data base has been establisthed, before trying to run the job.

Make sure that you have given the right Server name to connect to....

If you search for the SqlState=08003 on google then you will come to know more abt that...
or any standard SQL book you will know more abt that

Hope this helps you


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:01 am
by DSguru2B
Another reason might be that the database was down during that time. Try running the job again, if it still fails with the same error then try to log into the same database using your favourite tool. See if that connects.