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Time Out Error

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:34 pm
by bdstage
Hello All,

We are having all sorts of problems with our daily production loads.

We are having seperate sequence jobs which calls a subset of another sequence jobs and etc.

One of the Sequence got aborted stating that:

Code: Select all

SEQ<Sequence Job>..JobControl (@<Server Job>): 
Controller problem: Error calling DSRunJob(<Server Job>), code=-14
[Timed out while waiting for an event]

I could not figure out what actually caused the problem. Is this a resource issue of any sort?

Any help in this aspect is greatly appreciated.


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:47 pm
by loveojha2
How many jobs were running at that time on the server?

Your server is overloaded and it can't serve the new request for now.

Try rerunning the job and see you get the same error again or not. If yes, then run your job when your server is relatively idle.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:27 pm
by chulett
:idea: Search the forums for 'Timed out while waiting for an event'.

Re: Time Out Error

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:06 pm
by tagnihotri
Time out issue is because of the job not starting within expected time. The issue is mostly because of resource unavailability. Try changing the default Timeout to max, it can be found in the performance tab in the job properties.

bdstage wrote:Hello All,

We are having all sorts of problems with our daily production loads.

We are having seperate sequence jobs which calls a subset of another sequence jobs and etc.

One of the Sequence got aborted stating that:

Code: Select all

SEQ<Sequence Job>..JobControl (@<Server Job>): 
Controller problem: Error calling DSRunJob(<Server Job>), code=-14
[Timed out while waiting for an event]

I could not figure out what actually caused the problem. Is this a resource issue of any sort?

Any help in this aspect is greatly appreciated.
