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timeout waiting for mutex

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:53 am
by theverma
Hi friends,

i m using a sequential file as source and putting the rows into a DB2 Table after validation(using transformer and hashed files).There is a link coming out of the transformer and inserting the errorneous rows into the error table with an IPC in between.

First Fatal error coming is :
PS_PP_JRNL_LN..PS_JRNL_LN_ERR.IDENT6: At row 4401, link "Insert_Into_MB_JRNL_LN_ERR"
Row rejected.
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0204N "FDM1PA.PS_MB_JRNL_LN_ERR" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704

After this second fatal error message is :
PS_PP_JRNL_LN..Get_SETCNTRLVALUE.Read_PP_File_OUT: ds_ipcgetnext() - timeout waiting for mutex

I think this is the information u require.
If anything more is required then please ask...

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:07 am
by kris007
The timeout error is occuring because your IPC stage has timed out waiting for the next row. These errors usually occur when you have IPC or LinkPartitioner/Collector stages.There are quite a number of posts out there discussing this.Try increasing the Timeout value on the Performance tab in Job properties and see if it helps.
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0204N "FDM1PA.PS_MB_JRNL_LN_ERR" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704
I am assuming the table is already present in that schema and you have provided the correct names within the stage. You might want to check the select privileges on that table for the users trying to run that job.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:07 pm
by ak77
Verma -

I have been reading quite a number of posts of the same issue. I think the meta data is your problem. You are getting the unknown column name error which is causing other problems I guess. There is a whole lots of posting on mutex error. Please do search and you will get the solution. Searching in this forum always gives you the solution and I have done it several times.
