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Sort: Input column does not promote to output column

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:27 am
by jzijl

I want to select within the combination of DUNS_NO (char) and DATE (timestamp) the DUNS_NO with the most recent date. The data comes from a hash-file with DUNS_NO and DATE as keyfields.

A SORT reads the hash-file, the output goes into an AGGREGATOR and the output is another hash-file.

In the SORT I specify as output that I want to group on DUNS_NO and both DUNS_NO and DATE remain key-fields. Also I specified in the properties: DUNS_NUMBER asc, DATE asc

In the AGGREGATOR I specified in the input side the sort-order. DUNS_NO 1 and DATE 2, both ascending and both key-field. In the output I specified to group on DUNS_NO, which remains key. For DATE I specified in the deriviation Last(DATE).

While running this job I get the message: 'Sort: Input column does not promote to output column.'. The column mentioned the third column in the hash-file. DUNS_NO and DATE are resp. the 4th and 5th column in the hash-file.

Hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:55 am
by Kirtikumar
Can you provide the input metadata cols for Aggregator and output metadata cols and their derivations?

It is a bit tough to imagine the job design and metadata from what you are saying.

If the grouping is on DUNS_NO 1 and aggregation is Last(DATE) and you are saying it is 3 rd col and again some more cols.
So pls provide details...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:26 am
by kumar_s
Is all you input columns been propagated to output of the SORT stage. If you want to select only the required column, use transformer stage.

Re: Sort: Input column does not promote to output column

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:23 am
by chulett
jzijl wrote:While running this job I get the message: 'Sort: Input column does not promote to output column.'
All that should mean is a column on the Input side is not mentioned on the Output side. What goes in must come out, so it (the Sort stage) complained.