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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:04 pm
by avi21st
Heh Guys

I found it out....

You need to give 30 seconds interval atleast after stopping and starting the Datastage Server...

WOW.......... :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:08 pm
by chulett
:idea: There are quite a large number of threads on this topic if you search for them.

How long did you wait after the shutdown before you started it back up again? I suspect not long enough to allow any hung sockets to clear. This is typically what causes the RPC deamon to not start, generating a 'bind bombed' error that you can't see without the -debug option. I'm also curious why the 'regen' as it's not a normal part of this procedure, but only for applying changes made to your uvconfig file... did you make changes there?

Best to shutdown DataStage again using the command you used and then wait for all ports to clear. This can take a minute or two or it could take twenty. Use this command to see if ports are still clearing:

Code: Select all

netstat -a |grep dsrpc |wc -l
It should return a zero count when it's ok to restart. If you want to see the actual connections and their status (FIN-WAIT1, FIN-WAIT2, etc) remove the last piped command.

Then it should restart fine. You can grep for the process to verify before attempting to connect if you like:

Code: Select all

ps -ef |grep dsrpcd |grep -v grep