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Half of sequence stages missing from Designer palette

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:55 am
by crsimms

I am developing a sequencer within new DataStage project, but I have an issue. The Terminator Activity, EndLoop Activity, StartLoop Activity, and UserVariables Activity stages are missing from the Sequence palette. What makes this strange is that I can open up other projects using the same Designer client and the missing stages are no longer missing. In addition, the same stages are missing from other Designer clients on other machines. What gives?



Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:51 am
by kris007
Can you confirm if you can see those stages in the Repository?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:53 am
by Krazykoolrohit
kris007 wrote:Can you confirm if you can see those stages in the Repository?
repository or pallete?

I think hes drunk more than he should have.. kidding no offences meant..

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:02 pm
by kris007
It's not Friday night yet :wink:
In BTW, we can see stage types in the Repository too. Right Click in there.

What I meant was if OP can go to the Customize Palette Options and see if he could see the missing stages in the Repository items.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:36 pm
by crsimms

If I go to the Customize palette option under the View menu option within Designer, not displayed within the listed Repository items for Sequence are the missing stages. Again, I am not sure why they are missing as they exist for all of our other projects. This project is newly created, but I am not aware of how stages can be "excluded" as an option when creating a project using the Administrator.


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:41 pm
by narasimha
You can do customization of the palette in the designer. Somebody could have messed it up.

Code: Select all

Right click on the palette -> Customization-> Reset to factory default
But if you have any current customization, or added any to your favourites, that will get reset too.

Give it a shot, it might solve your problem

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:57 pm
by crsimms

Thanks for the suggestion. I did it, but to no avail as the stages are still missing.


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:01 pm
by kris007
Try creating a new project again? See if it helps.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:22 pm
by Krazykoolrohit
kris007 wrote:Try creating a new project again? See if it helps.
Its friday night now (atleast for me maybe its the right time for you to register a ticket with IBM. you may get some logical sensible responses(pun intended)

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:23 pm
by kduke
You could have a corrupt repository. You might need the XP patch for the Designer. You need to search for DS.TOOLS for the first one. The second is an obvious search.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:43 pm

This is happened to me, I wondered where my stages are gone :( . Then I found that a dropdown with 0 on it on the Pallete. when I clicked on that all the stages are listed :) . I dragged the stages from the list to the pallete to make them visible out.

This may not be same case for you. I just want to share with you guys.


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:23 pm
by ray.wurlod
This is a known bug when connecting a 7.5x2 client to a 7.5.1 server. It may occur with other combinations also. As far as I am aware there is no fix for it yet.