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xml document importing in datastage

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:43 am
by dj

I have been trying to import an xml doc in datastage . i have used

folder stage--> Xml input--> trnasformer--> seq.o/p.

I have exported a job in Xml doc & trying to give as i/p to xml i/p.

The pbm is in Xml input stage , i have given the filename &record in i/p.
I want to get some of my job details as o/p from xml i/p stage.But how do it maps record to the metadata i have loaded..

Could anyone can explain me indetail..


Re: xml document importing in datastage

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:38 am
by uegodawa
First use the DataStage Manager to Load the meta data.
Manager -> Import - > Table def - > XML TAble DEf
Then Open your XML . File -> Open
Then click on all text nodes which you want and save the meta data.
Now goback to your job, open XML Input stage, then output tab , columns, Load.
Then Load the meta data which you saved earlier.
- U

Re: xml document importing in datastage

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:54 am
Guys !

This is a duplicate post. Please do not answer here.

Use the following post to answer.
