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Unable to open "hash" file

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:22 pm
by wahil
I'm tried create a shell script to list a generic hash file to a sequencial file and i have one problem...

To create hash file we don't use account name, all the hashs are created by "use directory path" every. Then, add hash to VOC table by ED VOC comands(uvsh) with sucess.


when i try read the hash ===> error message:
$DSHOME/bin/uvsh "LOGTO project"
$DSHOME/bin/uvsh "LIST hash1"
Unable to open "hash1" file.

What i did wrong?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:39 pm
by DSguru2B
Are you calling it by hashed file name or the VOC entry name. You need to put in the VOC entry name and not the hashed file name.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:03 pm
by kduke
The LOGTO does the same as cd MyProjectDir and then list your hashed file. The LOGTO is in a separate shell from the second command because you invoked 2 uvsh commands. You either need to change directories to the project directory and then invoke just the second uvsh or send multiple commands to 1 uvsh.

uvsh <<eof
LOGTO MyProject
LIST HashedFile

Hope that helps.