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Error in hash file creation

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:38 pm
by vasuannam
I am a newbie here.Thankful to everyone for making this place fantastic knolwedge hub.
I have a problem with my hash job and resulting in the error like below.So far I have not seen this kind of error.Can anyone help me.

X..X.Trans_Dummy: DSD.UVOpen "X" is already in your VOC file as a file definition record.
File name =
File not created.

here "X" is the hash file name that i want to create.


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:36 pm
by kris007
The error message says that there is already a hashed file in the project by that name. In the Create Options check delete file before create option and then you are all set.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:29 pm
by vasuannam
Hi kris.

The option that you mentioned is already set.Still it shows the same error.


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:28 pm
by meena
Hi Vasu...
Even after enabling this option you are getting the same error...Then can you check this:
I got the same error message after physically deleting the hash file folder created by a job. To get the problem solved, I:

1 - logged into Administrator, and issued the statement "select * from VOC where NAME = 'xxxx'"
2 - Based on the result, I then issued the statement "delete from VOC where NAME = 'xxxx' ".

The steps above will help you remove the existence of your hash file within the Datastage VOC file. Some point of note:

1 - The hash files I created were stored in folders and not project. I accidentally deleted the folder holding the DATA.30, OVER.30, etc. After the steps above, I had to delete the corresponding D_XXXX file to completely remove the existence of the hash file before re-running the job.
This was discussed previously..and this is given by 'rmrama'.You can do a search on "DSD.UVOpen "X" is already in your VOC file as a file definition record" in the forum based on search for all terms.. You have few posts on this...

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:28 am
by ray.wurlod
You may need to remove all three components of the hashed file manually before you can proceed. Something, somewhere, has gotten out of sync.

Remove the data portion of the hashed file with

Code: Select all

rm -rf hashedfile
Remove the dictionary portion of the hashed file with

Code: Select all

rm -f D_hashedfile
Remove the VOC entry for the hashed file with

Code: Select all

`cat /.dshome`/bin/dssh "DELETE FROM VOC WHERE @ID = 'hashedfile';"

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:56 am
by vasuannam
Hi Meena,
I have no access to administrator.
I need to do it manually as mentioned by Ray.
What three components i need to delete..?
hash file,D.30 file and O.30 file?


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:23 am
by loveojha2

Code: Select all


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:20 am
by ray.wurlod
You need to be on the server machine. Change directory to your project directory and execute the given commands there.

An alternative is to use the Administrator client command window. In that case the UNIX commands are each "wrapped" with an SH verb.

Code: Select all

SH -c "rm -rf hashedfile"
SH -c "rm -f D_hashedfile"
DELETE FROM VOC WHERE @ID = 'hashedfile';