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Unix file move

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:11 pm
by vsi
Hi all,

I used an unix command to move data. In process forgot to type target file name.

Lets say I had PathA/fileA and had to move to PathB/fileB. I forgot to specify FileB and typed the command (from PathA) as

mv ./fileA PathB

Now I cant find the fileA anywhere. Has anyone got any idea where it could be??


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:23 pm
by meena
Hi Vsi..
Probably it must be moved to PATHB. Can you give the exact path of PATHB..

Thank you..

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:40 pm
by vsi
I was in (/nz/etl/dev/dbx/in)

Code: Select all

mv   ./client_ext.lst    /nz/etl/crt/dbx/in

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:45 pm
by Dsnew
The fileA will be moved to PathB.
Your file movement would be PathB/fileA rather than PathB/fileB

If you dont give a name to the file during your move it retains the same name as the source file

So your will be in -

/nz/etl/crt/dbx/in with the same file name i.e client_ext.lst

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:05 pm
by meena
1)there may be a chance to be in the PATHA only.probabably as a file name "/nz/etl/crt/dbx/in"
2)as a file "in" in PATHB(/nz/etl/crt/dbx/)
3) as a file "/nz/etl/crt/dbx/" in PATHB

I am not sure..but try to check
Dsnew wrote:The fileA will be moved to PathB.
Your file movement would be PathB/fileA rather than PathB/fileB

If you dont give a name to the file during your move it retains the same name as the source file

So your will be in -

/nz/etl/crt/dbx/in with the same file name i.e client_ext.lst
thank you

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:33 pm
by kumar_s
It should move the file. Check your return code or error log of the command used for more info.