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Using MONTH.TAG in the Transformer Stage

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:32 am
by nilaytewari
I was trying to use the MONTH.TAG in the transformer stage. I am taking the input from a db thru a link and then putting it after transformation to a sequential file.
I am using the DS transform and selecting the MONTH.TAG(%Arg% as Date) as MONTH.TAG and providing the Date as the input for the Argument.
I have also changed the definition of the Date column in the sequential file and made data element to MONTH.TAG and data type as char and length as 7.

Still the date format remains yyyy-mm-dd instead of yyyy-mm in the Sequential file.
Can someone please help in this regard. I am a beginner in DS.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:12 am
by dsnovice
I would try Oconv(Iconv(%Arg%,"D-YMD"),"D-YM[4,2]") .

