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using DataStage with FileNet and TIF files

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:52 am
by EJRoufs
I have an interesting question. We have a newer project coming on-line here, and are wondering if DataStage is the right tool to use, if it would even work at all.

Basically, we would have one large mainframe file coming it. The file would contain several records with index information, as well as how big the following TIF file is (how many records and such). The file would need to be split out into multiple server files containing all of the index information for FileNet to use, as well as multiple files for each TIF file.

I'm not sure DataStage is even the right tool to use here, but was wondering what you on the forum might think as to both your opinion on DataStage useage here, and on how complex of a project that might be.

Thanks for any info/advice. :)