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ETL tools comparison

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:50 am
by poorna_76
Hi All,

We are currently working on a Enterprise Warehouse strategy, to be submitted to the client.
Can any one have, any document which compares the top ETL tools.
Also any graphical chart which shows where IBM DataStage stands in the market among all the ETL tools.

That would be very helpful.

Thanks in Advance.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:52 am
by chulett
Have you checked out people like the Gartner Group?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:03 am
by gsherry1
The gartner group has a nice visual that compares ETL tools on both 'Vision' and 'Execution' dimensions.

It looks cute, and it's the typical chart that executives like to use in coming up with a short list of ETL products. However, I disagree with rating that many ETL products get on the Gartner comparison.

- Greg

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:55 pm
by vmcburney
Gartner ranked DataStage and Informatica as the clear leaders in the ETL field in last years ETL Magic Quadrant. Bloor Research ranked Informatica, DataStage and SAS in the top three in their latest research.

It is very difficult to get an ETL tool comparison document, most of them are produced with confidentiality restrictions from both the producer of the document and the vendors who contribute answers and evaluation software for that document. No vendor wants an uncontrolled evaluation circulating the internet. There are a lot of forum discussions comparing tools, the most popular discussion being informatica v datastage, but these comparisons are defunct within three to six months as new releases change the results.

There are some ETL comparison template documents floating around that you might find through searches that you can use to create your own evaluation result.