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Time stamp issue

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:49 am
by vivek
Hi ,
I am trying to convert the date which is in "2006-04-27T12:38:57.000Z "
format to Timestamp in oracle.
please let me know how iconv , oconv are useful here.

In the source the column is Varchar2.
In the target the column is timestamp.
Both source and target are oracle.
thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:58 am
by chulett
Are you sure your target a TIMESTAMP in Oracle and not a DATE field? If so, please post the full definition of the TIMESTAMP field which would include the precision.

Also, are you sure about your source date? I've seen similar Internet/XML date formats before, which typically involves swapping the 'T' with a space to 'transform' it. Wondering about the 'Z'... that usually is included in a 'TimeZone' element, from what I recall. You sure there is always just a trailing 'Z' as part of your timestamp?

Please also post how you have tried to convert the date so far.