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working with Stored Procedure in DataStage

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:57 am
by ketanshah123
how to access parameters returned by stored procedure in DataStage
for eg. wwprt.calculateREAL(OUT int, OUT varchar(50)) is the signature of stored procedure and i hv t dev job which will do the following

1.2.1. If the call to DB2 stored procedure fails, write error details to application log, and send e-mail to Operations
1.2.2. If the OUT int variable contains a non-zero value Write error details, including both int return code and varchar(50) error text, to the application log Send an e-mail to operations, including both int return code and varchar(50) error text.

how to do this?mailing part i know but how to handle these parameters? :?:
(stored procedure is not taking any input just have two output parameter to return error code if any)

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:33 am
by roy
Can you elaborate more on:
What DB2 Version you use?
What specific version of DS?
What stage are you using?

Most important, what did you try and what errors did you get?