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Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:37 pm
by anu123
rasi wrote:Anu

Once you made your Job as Muliti Instance job then if you go and open your Sequencer job you will have Invocation Id tab under Job name. This is the place where you need to type in the invocation id for each instance. hope this helps
thanks much siva.
I got it....

I ran the sample ETLs successfully.

thank you all once again

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:09 am
by balajisr
chulett wrote:One big problem with this approach - jobs have a 'User Status' area, routines don't. Besides, if you've already got a delimited string of all the values, do you really need to go to all that ef ...

That's correct when you already have the list of file values you do not need userstatus and you can directly hardcode the values in the start loop activity stages or put into uservariable and access it in start loop activity.
i did not understand anu's problem correctly. I assumed that the list of filenames is generated in the previous job and the list of files can be of any number.sorry for that.

Suppose in the previous job i create a comma delimited string with the list of file names, Is there any better way i can pass the comma delimited string to the uservariable or to start loop activity in the job sequence without using user status?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:53 am
by chulett
There's nothing wrong with the User Status approach - as long as you understand the pros and cons.

I've also created a flat file with values like that inside a job and then built a routine that basically echoes it back to standard out and captures that. Run the routine directly in the User Variables stage and you are all set.

Many ways to solve this particular puzzle.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:24 am
by balajisr
chulett wrote:There's nothing wrong with the User Status approach - as long as you understand the pros and cons.

I've also created a flat file with values like that inside a job and then built a routine that basically echoes it back to standard out and captures that. Run the routine directly in the User Variables stage and you are all set.

Many ways to solve this particular puzzle.
Great. Thanks Craig.