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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:04 pm
by narasimha
djm wrote:Narasimha,

you said you made same changes to pick up jobs from a particular categor. Can you try running the original spreadsheet with the original output generated by JobLogAnalysis and let me know whether or not that is successful.

Sorry for the late reply, I was checking on something and saw your reply today :oops:

I tried running your original jobs with your spread sheet first. I got the same error.

No worries, inspite of this error I get useful information from the spread sheets.

Thanks again!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:39 pm
by jmetzger
Has anyone gotten this to work lately? I am running DS 7.5 on Unix, and can't quite get there.

I get it running, but there is no output file. There is a problem with the filename in the single_row_sf stage (SingleRow container) Instead of
/dev/null | echo 1

it puts the echo 1 in the "Filter Command" box. If I leave it there I get an error. If I move it to the filename box, I get an error. If I remove it completely, it runs to conclusion, but no output file (tmp folders are created, but now rows written)

any help would be appreciated.


Jacob Metzger