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Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:56 pm
by Emilio
Thank you for your code!!......This sounds what I need.....!! :D
:oops: Sorry for taking a long time to contact you but I was directed into another project and just now I am able to work on this one. I have a couple questions for your, pardon for my ignorance but I am new with Ascential and my questions might be very, very, basic. :?:
1) The Unix command that needs to be translated to dos - Can you describe what that command(s) do or intends to do?
2) The temp hashfiles that are created, if I have 10 columns in my file to delete duplicate values, does it create 10 hashfiles? and are the hashfiles deleted after the program is finished?
Emilio :)

rleishman wrote:Emilio,

I can't believe the most interesting topic of the week was posted when I was asleep. Well now you Yanks are going home to bed and it's Australia's turn...

Here's my understanding of your requirement: given an input file with n columns, you want to produce an output file where no single value of any of the n columns is repeated.
What is not clear to me is whether the number of output rows is important. For example, would you accept the following as an alternative output for your example above?

Code: Select all

NONE, 100, 
, 200, 
If so, then I think I have a solution. I have attached a routine below that I used for a different problem; I just wanted a generic method of removing duplicates. Here's what you do:
- Copy the code below and create a DS Routine called IsUnique with 4 parameters: TEMPDIR, HashFile, Initialize, and Val
- In your DS Job, create a stage variable for each output column with expressions of the form:

Code: Select all

If IsUnique("X:\xxx\yyy\temp", DSJOB : "<col_name>", Initialize, In_link.col) Then 
- Create another stage variable called Initialize BELOW the other stage variables. Set the default value to 1, and the expression to 0. This means that it will be 1 for the first row processed (causing the IsUnique hash file mechanism to be initialized) and then 0 for each subsequent row.
- Map each of the stage variables to their respective columns.

How does it work? For each column, a different hash file is created in a temp directory of your choosing. You pass a value into the routine (and tell it which hash file to look in) and it tells you whether it has seen the value before (success) or not (failure). If the routine returns success, then you send the column value to the output link, otherwise send @NULL.

A couple of notes:
- I wrote this for Unix only. There is a Unix command I have highlighted with stars that you will have to translate into DOS. It is basically this:

Code: Select all

DEL <TEMPDIR>\<HashFile>
%DSHOME%\bin\mkdbfile <HashFile> 30 1 4 20 50 80 1628
although in Unix I separated the commands in such a way that if one failed the next would not run.
- I'm a UV BASIC beginner. Hopefully some bigger brains than mine will critique this routine (nicely of course :) )so that I can improve it - listen to them. :!:
- I originally designed it without the ability handle NULLs in the Val param. I made a change in this version that should work but didn't test it.
- I had to remove some references to other custom routines in our library. It should still compile, but...

Good luck.

Code: Select all

      Common /CDMUniq/ Initialized, UniqFileName, UniqFileHandle

      EQUATE RoutineName TO 'IsUnique'

      Ans = 0
      HashPath = TEMPDIR : "" : HashFile

      * If the Initialize parameter is set, remove and rebuild the hash file
      If Initialize Then

         Initialized = 0

         * The Unix command does 3 things (and fails immediately if any of them fail):
         * : Go to the TEMP Directory
         * : Remove the existing hash file if it exists
         * : Create a new hash file with mkdbfile
         * I had to use this method, because it would fail with "unable to create ..." error if I created it with
         * full path name from another directory. Dont know why.

         StrCommand = "cd " : TEMPDIR : " && rm -rf " : HashFile : " && $DSHOME/bin/mkdbfile " : HashFile : " 30 1 4 20 50 80 1628"

         Call DSExecute("UNIX", StrCommand , OutPut, RetCode)
         if RetCode <> 0 then
            Call DSLogWarn("Unix error (" : RetCode : ") in ": StrCommand : " ::::: " : OutPut, "IsUnique")

         * Attempt to open the file.
         Openpath HashPath TO UniqFileHandle
            Initialized = 1
            UniqFileName = HashPath
            Call DSLogWarn("Unable to open hash file " : HashPath, "IsUnique")
            Ans = -1

      If Initialized Then

         * If the currently open file is a different file, then open the correct file

         If UniqFileName <> HashPath Then
            Openpath HashPath TO UniqFileHandle
               Initialized = 1
               UniqFileName = HashPath
               Call DSLogWarn("Unable to open hash file " : HashPath, "IsUnique")
               Ans = -1

         If Ans = 0 And Not(IsNull(Val)) Then

            * Check if Val already exists
            Readu ValExists From UniqFileHandle, Val
               * Return FALSE if exists
               Ans = 0
               * Return TRUE and add to file if not exists
               Writeu Val On UniqFileHandle, Val
                  Ans = 1
                  Call DSLogWarn("Unable to write hash file " : HashFile, "IsUnique")
                  Ans = -1

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:09 pm
by ray.wurlod
The UNIX command in Ross's code will probably work in DOS also. At worst you may need to change the pathname delimters from "/" to "\".

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:57 pm
by rleishman
Since my earlier post, I have made some changes to the code of this routine. The new code is below.

The unix command goes to the directory where the hash files are stored, removes the hash file if it exists (ie. from a previous run) and re-creates it. It sould be pretty simple to do in DOS, but you might need to put them all together in a .BAT file.
A word of warning - this code comes with no guarantees. If you cannot understand it, don't use it. Cos if it goes wrong, you're on your own.

If you have 10 column that you want to capture duplicates on INDIVIDUALLY, then you will have 10 hash files. If you want to detect a single duplicate based on the combination of the 10 columns, then you will have to concatenate the 10 columns somehow, but you'll have only 1 hash file.

Good luck.

Code: Select all

      DEFFUN NVL(A,B) calling "DSU.NVL"
      DEFFUN IsEquivalent(A,B) calling "DSU.IsEquivalent"

      Common /CDMUniq/ Initialized, UniqFileName, UniqFileHandle

      EQUATE RoutineName TO 'IsUnique'

      Ans = 0
      HashPath = pTEMPDIR : "/" : pHashFile

      * If the Initialize parameter is set, remove and rebuild the hash file
      If pInitialize Then
         Initialized = 0

         * The Unix command does 3 things (and fails immediately if any of them fail):
         * : Go to the TEMP Directory
         * : Remove the existing hash file if it exists
         * : Create a new hash file with mkdbfile
         * I had to use this method, because it would fail with "unable to create ..." error if I created it with
         * full path name from another directory. Dont know why.

         StrCommand = "cd " : pTEMPDIR : " && rm -rf " : pHashFile : " && $DSHOME/bin/mkdbfile " : pHashFile : " 30 1 4 20 50 80 1628"

         Call DSExecute("UNIX", StrCommand , OutPut, RetCode)
         if RetCode <> 0 then
            Call DSLogWarn("Unix error (" : RetCode : ") in ": StrCommand : " ::::: " : OutPut, "IsUnique")

         * Attempt to open the file.
         Openpath HashPath TO UniqFileHandle
            Initialized = 1
            UniqFileName = HashPath
            Call DSLogWarn("Unable to open hash file " : NVL(HashPath,"<NULL>"), "IsUnique")
            Ans = -1

      If Initialized Then

         * If the currently open file is a different file, then open the correct file

         If Not(IsEquivalent(UniqFileName, HashPath)) Then
            Openpath HashPath TO UniqFileHandle
               Initialized = 1
               UniqFileName = HashPath
               Call DSLogWarn("Unable to open hash file " : NVL(HashPath,"<NULL>"), "IsUnique")
               Ans = -1

         If Ans = 0 Then

		* NULL values are always unique
            If IsNull(pVal) Then
               Ans = 1
               * Check if Val already exists
               Read ValExists From UniqFileHandle, pVal
                  * Return FALSE if exists
                  Ans = 0
                  * Return TRUE and add to file if not exists
                  Write pVal On UniqFileHandle, pVal
                     Ans = 1
                     Call DSLogWarn("Unable to write hash file " : NVL(pHashFile,"<NULL>"), "IsUnique")
                     Ans = -1