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Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:04 pm
by via
Thanks chulett.
Even before seeing your post, I retyped all the env variables in the new project :x .
Thanks again

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:21 pm
by I_Server_Whale

Environment variables are not included when export/import. You have to save the DSParams file in the old project. And once you create a new project by importing the .dsx file, you just have to copy the DSParams file back to your new project directory.

It will replace the existing DSParams file with the original one that you had saved. This way you will still have all your Environment variables intact.


Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:00 am
by lax
chulett wrote:
via wrote:Is there some thing i am missing to do for importing the Environment variables while doing whole project import?

copy the DSParam file from your Old project and place it in the new project . :lol:


Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:08 am
by chulett
I really don't understand why people feel the need to come and post the exact same answer that's already been posted. Sometimes multiple times. :?

And in case it was too subtle or something, my one word answer was (and still is, even in the quote) a URL link to a post asking the same question with an explaination of how to fix it - both the 'easy' way and the 'safe' way.

Envi pointing to the old parameters even after chaning

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:03 am
by via
Hello every one thanks for the reply,
I manually typed in all the Userdef environmetal variables for the new project i imported. Even after doing this i see OLD parameters in the "JOBS" that are pointing to the old DNS,passwords,users...etc . Even if i change to the new one there in the job, they are going back to the OLD parameters! (Some sort of default values). I went like this
1. Exported from Producation as dsx
2. Imported to a new project in Devlopment
3. Manually typed in all the evironment variables to the Development servers.

Can some one help me out in this.

Thanks again,

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:51 pm
by I_Server_Whale
Hi Via,

Go to job properties of your jobs in DEV and then to "parameters" and then add the environment variables by clicking the "Add Environment Variables" button.

When you add them, check whether they show up the same default values that you assigned in the administrator.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:09 pm
by via
Thanks naveen and other folks, thanks

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:06 pm
by chanaka
Well, in a similar situation, I manually edited the DSParams file for the new project and copied the entries from previous project DSParams file, which was successful.


Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:20 am
by ayan
I have a related query.....if I migrate a job where I have added an environment variable,will the environment variable also be migrated along with the job? Or I have to create that environment variable separately in the target project?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:20 am
by ayan
I have a related query.....if I migrate a job where I have added an environment variable,will the environment variable also be migrated along with the job? Or I have to create that environment variable separately in the target project?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:23 am
by ayan
sorry folks...after going through the whole thread..I find my question already answered! :)