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parameter problem

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 11:07 am
by fmartinsferreira
Sorry, for the last message. :oops:

Thank you Craig, you are right.

I would like to know how often the DataStage server should be restarted?

Because, I resolved my problem only when I restarded the server, then I would like to know if exist any specification that indicates this?


Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:52 am
by peterbaun
Hi Fernando,

If the problem arises again I believe that you would be able to investigate the problem further just by looking in the director log. When you double click on the job in the director it will show you exactly what values the parameters had for the last job execution. The password parameter will probably be encrypted - if not it will just be easier. Even if it is encryptetd the value of the encrypted string should be the same every time. Make a copy of these parameter values and rerun the job as you specify. If the values changes then you at least will have verified this and can proceed to find out why they are changed.

BTW - sorry to hear that something is wrong in Denmark :wink:

I believe Shakespeare wrote "Something is wrotten in the state of Denmark." But then again - does anyone care...


Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:09 am
by kduke
Thanks Peter. My bad but something is wrong or rotten somewhere if Ray makes a mistake or is at least human, right? Ray, we kid you but you are like a robot sometimes. You have all the answers. Nice to see you are human even if it was a typing mistake.