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Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:13 am
by asrnl
chulett wrote:Then you are not at the command line, which means logged in at the O/S level. You are still trying to run this from TCL or the Administrator client. Don't. ...
Ok i managed to execute the command. The result is that there is created a directory and 3 files in it. Do i need to delete the file in the hash-root directory called d_hashname? Or will it work fine like this.

I also executed the command SH -c "od -x /appl/dwa00t/hashed/amf/dwa_ulb_azkr/DeclDet1/DATA.30 | head -1"

But the result is: 0000000 acef 010c 0000 001e 0000 0000 0000 0001
So its still a 32-bit

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:30 am
by chulett
Ah, you've been poking around. :wink:

No, don't delete anything. And you need to add "-64BIT" to the command so it creates a 64bit hashed file. The resize command doesn't use the dash, this one does.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:56 am
by asrnl
chulett wrote:Ah, you've been poking around. :wink:

No, don't delete anything. And you need to add "-64BIT" to the command so it creates a 64bit hashed file. The resize command doesn't use the dash, this one d ...
Thank you very much chulett, that worked!
ps: I contacted my manager to renew our membership.