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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:37 am
by manuel.gomez
chulett wrote:Simply put your shell of choice in the command prompt, say "ksh", and then the complete command with whatever parameters you need in the parameter prompt.
chulett, thanks very much for your answer.

But I am afraid I am completely lost at this time (this could be cause by my very little acknowledge about UNIX).

In the Command Activity, in the Sequence, I do have two values:

Command (no parameters allowed here, so we direclty type the name of the command, in my case, something like this:
Parameters: Here in entered two of the sequence parameters. But these two are the inputs expected by

How can I indicate the complete path where the file is? Adding, in first place, a new parameter in the Parameters value of Command Activity? Or how?

Once again, thanks very much and sorry for repeating the question

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:42 am
by chulett
If the path to the script can change from environment to environment, then yes it needs to be another Job Parameter that you then leverage in the stage:

Command: ksh

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:46 am
by manuel.gomez
chulett wrote:If the path to the script can change from environment to environment, then yes it needs to be another Job Parameter that you then leverage in the stage:

Command: ksh
Now we are down, thanks very much!!!!!!!