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Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:07 pm
by gomez
Setting up a user in DataStage 8.0.1 involves the following 4 steps:
(1) On the IIS Admin console, set the Suite Role for the user(eg Suite Administrator/ Suite User) as appropriate
(2) On the IIS Admin console, set the Component Role for the user(eg DataStage and QualityStage User/Administrator etc) as appropriate
(3) On the DataStage Adminstrator, assign the user roles on a Project
(4) File permissions - The user should have read/write permissions on the Install folder's root


IBM Application Server V6 Service stopping automatically

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:08 am
by Soma123
Hi I am facing the same issue i.e. here DS 8.0.1 has been installed on a standalone Windows 2003 Server m/c, with SQL Server 2005 as the META Repositroy and internal user registry is selected for Application Server. I was able to login to IBM Web Cosole with initial Suite administrator login to do post installation configurations.

But for Configuring the IBM Information Server directory service to use the application server user registry i.e. with steps IBM Web console->administration Tab->Domain Management → Directory Configuration
WebSphere User Registry "Set as Active Provider". One thing I missed here is to provide user name in the format DOMAIN\username, I simply used the Suite administrator login (i.e IBM web Consolde initail set up login). Also the local Operating system doesn't contain any user of that name.

I had to restart the IBM Application Server V6 Service. But after that it's automaically stopping with a System Event log Error.

Any help in this regard will really appreciated, did the username part created the problem? Do I have to re-install it?