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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:00 pm
by kumar_s
Is it consistent for all the jobs?
Just try to create a simple routine which have nothing but CALL DSLogInfo("Hello World","");
TEST the Routine and check if you get any warning?
Call it in a Jobsequence and see it the same happens. If the same warning appears, check the generated Job Control for any unusualness. Or check RT_BPnnn.
Ray suggesting you to approach Support provider.

Warning: Job control procoess (pid XXXXX) has failed

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:06 am
by asorrell
I've been getting these lately as well - I checked out the output in &PH& and it had the following:

DataStage Job 36 Phantom 13477
rm: cannot remove `RT_SC36/jpfile': No such file or directory

5 record(s) selected to SELECT list #1.
[13520] Done : DSD.OshMonitor Lab5aNetapp 13519 MSEVENTS.FALSE
[13514] Done : SH -c 'RT_SC36/ RT_SC36/OshScript.osh RT_SCTEMP/Lab5aNetapp.fifo -monitorport 13400 -pf RT_SC36/jpfile -input_charset ASCL_MS1252 -output_charset ASCL_MS1252 -string_fields '
DataStage Phantom Finished.

I checked the directory (it is where the osh is kept for the job) and there is no jpfile there. I'll do some more research when I get some time later this week.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:10 am
by rameshrr3
This topic is dead, but i have to note an observation:
When you have a long running command called by the job (usually a before /After command,) and if someone sends a stop request to the job, the same error text appears ( very natural of course) ,but its also possible that something killed the process while it was running. And hence you ended up with an error like " Job control process (pid xyzzz) has failed"

On resetting such a job , you would probably get something like this in the log

Code: Select all

From previous run 

PRINTER memory segment removed

DataStage Job 3125 Phantom 17614
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2157, Variable previously undefined.  Zero length string used.
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2157, Variable previously undefined.  Zero length string used.
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2157, Variable previously undefined.  Zero length string used.
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2157, Variable previously undefined.  Zero length string used.
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2157, Variable previously undefined.  Zero length string used.
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2157, Variable previously undefined.  Zero length string used.