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Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:31 pm
by edward_m
kumar_s wrote:Why cant you import the Imported table definition into CFF stage?
I imported the cobol table definitions in CFF satge,when i view the data using data browser its not displaying correct. Could you pls tell me how to set up the properties for CFF Stage i.e start record #, end record #, redefined tabs(i.e Cobol file has Redefines clause).

Thanks in Advance..

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:44 pm
by Ed Purcell
thurmy34 wrote:Hi

The "bug" is on your level 01.
It's the name of the record and cannot be dimensionned.

Code: Select all

You had 
  01  BDIPDATA-RECORD                    PIC X(97). 
           05  BDIPDATA-RECORD-ID             PIC X(03). 
           05  BDIPDATA-RECORD-DATA           PIC X(93). 
           05  BDIPDATA-RECORD-DELIMITER-X    PIC X(01). 

You can say
 01 My Record
           03 BDIPDATA-RECORD                    PIC X(97). 
                 05  BDIPDATA-RECORD-ID             PIC X(03). 
                 05  BDIPDATA-RECORD-DATA           PIC X(93). 
                 05  BDIPDATA-RECORD-DELIMITER-X    PIC X(01). 
Now the import button is enabled.
Small point. A period is needed at the end of: 01 MyRecord.