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Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:22 am
by r.julia
Is it fine to do this in job control?

UnixCmd="" (hostname)
CALL DSExecute("UNIX", 'sh -x /home/A/B/', ScreenOutput, ReturnCode)

I ran it and got the same warning "cannot open file" like the previous case.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:31 am
by chulett
Your problem isn't with how you are calling the script but the script itself, I would bet. Make sure you are using absolute paths in your script or are cd'ing to the appropriate directory before attempting to work with any files. Make no assumptions about anything in your script - environment variables, location - anything.

Biggest 'problem' people have is with the fact that the 'current working directory' for a script executed by a DataStage job is the project the job is running from.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:31 am
by kumar_s
Make sure the fully qualified paths are been used in the shell. Also check if any Environmental variable been used, which is not avialable from datastgage.
If no, paste the exact script been used and exact error message that appear in Director. That will be usefull to indentify the fact.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:36 am
by kcbland
DSExecute has four arguments, the second being the command to execute. If you look at the original post I made, I constructed the unix command first in a variable and then used the variable as th second argument.

Your usage is not correct. The UnixCmd line you posted is irrelevant if you are constructing the statement in the CALL DSExecute anyway.

I suggest you post the actual logic, and the actual error messages because a lot of the time the errors are lost when you translate for posting.

To debug what you're doing, try:

Code: Select all

UnixCmd = 'ls -l /home/A/B/'
CALL DSExecute("UNIX", UnixCmd, ScreenOutput, ReturnCode) 
CALL DSLogInfo("The UnixCmd shows this to the screen -->":ScreenOutput, "Test") 
CALL DSLogInfo("The UnixCmd had this exit value -->":ReturnCode, "Test") 
Make sure the script can be "seen" given that permissions may be an issue. You could also have the wrong path. I doubt /home/A/B is correct, you've obviously changed something.

My guess is you have an incorrect path.


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:07 am
by r.julia
The path /home/A/B/ is the path to the script on the unix server. Apparently the default DS path is not this, so I need to set it. Could someone tell me how to change the path please?


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:40 am
by chulett
You don't need to "change the path". Your script needs some tweakage to use absolute paths I would bet. Easiest way to resolve this is to post your script, wrapped in 'code' tags to preserve formatting. Then we can make more specific 'suggestions' for changes. :wink:


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:06 am
by r.julia
Heres the script

Code: Select all

while read AGE V_PATH DELAY
  cd $V_PATH
     for file in $(ls)
     if  [[ $(( $($HOME/./fileage $file)/60)) -ge $AGE ]]
        echo $file >>outputfiles.txt
  done >outputfiles.txt 
    final=`wc -l outputfiles.txt|awk '{print $1}'`    
    if [ $final -ge 1 ]
    echo $final "Unprocessed files in" $V_PATH|mailx -s "Unprocessed Files. Please Check!"
      echo "Everything's OK"
    rm -f outputfiles.txt
    sleep $DELAY    
  cd -
done < filepathinput.txt

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:29 am
by kcbland
Please stop talking about path. The terminology is "working directory", or PWD. When a DataStage job executes a shell command, the PWD is the project. You can verify this by using the Unix command "pwd". If the DataStage job were to execute this in DSExecute, you should see the fully qualified path to your project.

In any shell scripting, you MUST exercise some sort of discipline when dealing with directory paths. Either always fully qualify every command and file name, or make your script change its current working directory using the cd command to place the executing environment in the appropriate location if you're going to use "relative" notation. Since your script is written assuming that it is running in a certain location, your best option is to just add a cd statement at the beginning of the script and make sure it's correct.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:43 am
by chulett
Pretty much echoes what I said - assume nothing in your script: where you are, what environment variables are available, path settings - nothing.