Web Services

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Post by lstsaur »

Xmethod.net has been down almost a week now. It's very strange....
Google site you need to apply a key first.
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Post by g_rkrish »

eostic wrote:There are bunches....google "public web services" and there are dozens of sites offering everything from geographical temperatures to stock quotes and lots in between. Bummer about xmethods --- it is/was one of the best.... but keep looking.

I got a wsdl definition from amazon webservices the web stie is

http://wscc.info/index.php?show=32031_S ... 31_swe.php

in that i tried importing the WSDL deifintion but when i do that ...my imports button is not enalbled even though i put the wsdl address...

Is the problem with set up of the webservices in my server....

Pls help me out....
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Post by g_rkrish »

eostic wrote:Sounds like an interesting application, but I'd suggest that there are too many "new" things going on here.

Let's first make sure that the Web Services Pack is doing what it should and working as you expect it....on a tiny web service....one that has simple input and output....a simple WSDL, and absolutely no security.

Once that is working perfectly in a unit test fashion, then we can move on from there.

Right now it's hard to tell whether errors you are getting are WSPack related, Web Service related, environment related, or something else altogether.

A great Web Service for use in the WS Transformer is on xmethods.net ....go to their home page (it's down at the moment or I'd cut/paste the url here)...click on "FULL LIST" link about in the middle of the home page....then use CNTL-F and locate "Temperature Conversion Service". Drill into its WSDL and then copy that URL to the clipboard. Use the WSDL Meta Data IMporter and go to that WSDL, then ultimately import your table defintion (you have to drill thru to the operation CtoF or FtoC on the right and click Import. You will get several tabledefs in DataStage. Assuming that works ok, THEN go to the WSTransformer and load the Web Service, and then go to the message tabs and "load" the message detail (the link column details get loaded automatically). As a best practice, you should surround your WSTransformer with regular Transformers on either side......so your test job should be something like RowGenerator or Flat File to Transformer to WSTransformer to Transformer to Sequential target....

Generate some sample temperatures and make sure that works.

I got your mease also..i checked out the xmethods..it was up today i did the same thing what you said..when i load the wsdl definition my import button the importer is disabled so ic ould not import the table defintion ..i can only import your xml definition ..but i could not put in the data for your definitons..i think the problem is with my wsdl mete data importer in getting the defintions..Pls help me out....

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Post by lstsaur »

That's becasue you are behind the firewall. You need to open up your HTTP Proxy Server.
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Post by g_rkrish »

lstsaur wrote:RK,
That's becasue you are behind the firewall. You need to open up your HTTP Proxy Server.
Do i need to enable in my server...Pls advise whats need to be done....

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Post by g_rkrish »

g_rkrish wrote:
lstsaur wrote:RK,
That's becasue you are behind the firewall. You need to open up your HTTP Proxy Server.
Do i need to enable in my server...Pls advise whats need to be done....

I solved th issue the reason being..the setup was not proper so we need do some lib path setting..

we added a new entry in our LIBpath

Guys using AIX pls make sure u use this path


also when create you environment variable

then your webservice should run ok....Also when you try to open the WSDL definition i don't DS didn't like - in front so remove them too...then you should be all set to use webservices....

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Post by Nisusmage »

lstsaur wrote:RK,
Your job aborted becasue the DS couldn't find the "/jre/bin/classic" directory under the /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java, that's why you need to create a link (soft link), "jre -> /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/apps/jre", from the /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java directory.

After the link has created, then the DS will find and load the JVM (libjvm).
Hi all,
Does anyone know where this JNIWrapper path stored so that I can change it on a windows system?
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Post by Nisusmage »

I've tried all the CLASSPATH and System Variables suggestions and nothing has changed I still get the same message over and over.

Can any one help here?

PavlovCreateTask..Web_Services_Client_0: TJClient::initialize: unable to create Java Virtual Machine; classpath = C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\DSEngine\java\lib\wsclient.jar
ASCL-DSJNI-00011`:`JNIWrapper: load library failed: directory C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\DSEngine\java/jre\bin/classic, name jvm
The specified module could not be found.
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Post by Nisusmage »

Progress update .. I got rid of the RNIWrapper error. Just still this.
I've tried all kinds of claspath's and also found classpath in the gridstyle properties of the client. Still get this error.
Help!. Should I start a new Post?

PavlovCreateTask..Web_Services_Client_0: TJClient::initialize: unable to create Java Virtual Machine; classpath = C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\DSEngine\java/lib/wsclient.jar
~The simpliest solutions are always the best~
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