Need help to success in interview

Post questions here relative to DataStage Server Edition for such areas as Server job design, DS Basic, Routines, Job Sequences, etc.

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Post by kduke »

Unfortunately Kim, many companies are cutting in house wages, benefits, and firing them altogether.
I agree and I think that is a huge mistake. Why should anyone be loyal to a company which is not loyal to its own employees? I think we all view these companies as throw aways. I don't think we will miss too many of the doc com companies because they were not based on substance and showed a lack of respect of traditional businesses.

If you respect hard work, knowledge, wisdom and experience then you are on the right path. I think the original question showed a lack of respect for these traits. Where your treasure is where heart is. Your treasure is what is valuable to you. What is valuable to you is also what you respect. There is no substitute for hard work. If you work hard then I will respect you.

It is obvious that Ray, Ken and Hester have worked hard to gain the knowledge that they freely share with the rest of us. I think they are valuable assets to the DataStage community. I wish Ascential would acknowledge them as valuable assets as well. I would love to read Ken's white papers. I think all of us are at the mercy of Ascential. I think some of this conversation is about power. We feel powerless against even Ascential. I think the rest of the world feels like America is a bully. I don't like bullies either. I hope that image of America changes but not much I can do to help that perception. I also feel powerless in the face of big business making poor technology decisions. I think you can educate some people into making wiser decisions but some will never learn. Hopefully the questioner has learned something.

My point is this. There are good people in every country and every religion. The best we can do is improve our own hearts and souls. I try to keep an open mind about others. Sometimes they shock me both good and bad because not everyone looks or acts like us Okies. My team let me down this weekend. I am bummed out.

Mamu Kim
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Post by Teej »

1stpoint wrote:cutting in house wages, benefits, and firing them altogether.
*shift eyes*


So, how about them Lakers?!

Developer of DataStage Parallel Engine (Orchestrate).
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Post by him121 »

Hi All

It was very nice discussion goin on here
i was just surfing forum and stopped at this question

i am agree that experts in US are losing jobs or getting less pay & people in india are getting more jobs in ADS.

but i will frankly tell you the quality of work which is coming here is not suitable for people over there.

here ADS developer are working on simple jobs like Staging, Dim and Fact without much complexity.
and once prototype is developed by expert in US. here people will use same thing and start development.

its good that few people like me getting this kinds of jobs in india and earning somemoney. that is very less compare to abroad.

but the quality of work we did here was worst, simple and monotonous. as far as ETL upgrade and staging job concerns.

i will tell its resposibility of experts over there to do some automations for this kind of work and chanrge more to client. else its always better to offshore this kind of work and let other people earn something....

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Post by Sainath.Srinivasan »


The discussion is only pointed towards people who do not have any experience or expertise and want to gather them from other people who have put their life through the hardship to attain the position.

It is not to be read as 'America' vs 'rest of World' or even as 'America' vs 'India'.

Being an Indian in a western country, I can see some western people doing the same statergy of gathering info from websites like this and adding them in their name.

So this is a global issue and must not be focussed on one country.

Knowledge is global. Nobody can buy. It can only be acquired by experience.
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Post by kduke »

Some of my comments I regret. I think several thoughts were poorly worded. I do think my heart was in the right place. I agree knowledge, skill and wisdom are universal and should be respected from anyone. I actually like these types of discussions that go beyond the skillset and talk about the mindset of Americans, Indians and the rest of the world.

There is a difference in our cultures. We enjoy the underdog with the good idea taking on all. We enjoy original thought coming from anyone including Indians or any other culture. If management is not looking for the best ideas then it will not do the best job. If management is placed there not because of skill and knowledge then again the company will suffer. Whether India or any other country is able to create better software then it will be because they handle ideas better. America seems be less dominate in all these areas than in the past. I think a lot of Americans are afraid to be original or promote some new idea that has risk involved.

What does your culture do to you when you need to tell someone you have an original thought. Are you able to disagree with Ray the clear leader on this forum. How do you present this new idea without being disrespectful. How do you know you are on the right path mentally. Wisdom to an Indian is greatly respected almost worshipped. Can you correct a person you think is wise. Can you go beyond your culture and do what is right and not disrespect yourself or others.

We have many Asians in IT as well. How does their culture keep them from producing the best software possible. I worked as a consultant at a place where they protected in house employees no matter what. They wanted to keep their jobs and ignored good ideas coming from any consultant if it threatened employee jobs. They were Asians, Indians and Americans working together against Asians, Indians and Americans because the employees were all types and the consultants were from all over the world as well. Culture and background did not matter. Fear ruled the day and so did bad ideas. The company created a culture of fear and suffers to this day because of it.

I think in the end we are more alike than different. Fear holds us back and good ideas from coming forth. I think if you examine who you are and why then you will see culture had a lot to do with it. Maybe you are extremely organized because you were raised in an environment which was very disorganized. Maybe you expect a battle to get your ideas across because it was hard for you to raise to the level you are at now. Maybe because you are a woman in a male dominated field.

I always wanted to go beyond all my expectations for myself. I hope you go beyond your and our expectations for you. Try to be nice or gentle along the way. Culture changes slowly and so do we.
Mamu Kim
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