CFF Help - Redefined Field in the Selection Criteria

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Shaina Austin
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:59 am

CFF Help - Redefined Field in the Selection Criteria

Post by Shaina Austin »

Hi All:

I am reading a variable length file with the CFF stage. Each time the file comes from the middleware it has different number of records.

Now in the CFF Stage-->Output tab-->Selection Criteria tab are given 2 options -
1. Start Record #......End Record #
2. Redefined Fields--> ID Field....Value

My questions are -
1. Is it necessary to give one of the selection criteria.
2. How do I make the stage read all the records to the end of file with/without giving End Record #.
3. What are Redefined fields and how do they affect the selection of records to be read.

All/Any inputs are greatly appreciated.

Thank You All.
Shaina Austin
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:59 am

Post by Shaina Austin »

IF there is anyone who knows anything about the CFF(Complex Flat File Stage)....!

Please HELP....!!!

Posts: 3593
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2003 5:25 pm
Location: Australia, Melbourne

Post by vmcburney »

A complex flat file can have different record structures on each row. The "Redefined Fields" lets you only retrieve rows for a certain type, it lets you choose which field holds the value that identifies the record type to be passed out of the CFF stage.

I haven't used start Record # and End Record # but I assume this is related to files with header and footer rows.

You do not have to use any of these fields if you don't want to.
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