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Miscellaneous queries on QualityStage ( also DataStage)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:45 am
by aaikat
I am a new user of QualityStage and DataStage. I have a few basic questions to ask :-

1.Can we define new rule set (other than the ones we have for Name,Address,Area) in QS .If 'yes' how ?

2.Can we compare 2 source table data directly using QS 'Match' stage or we need to get the files out of the 2 tables.In other words, can we have QS input anything other than files ?

3.Facing the following error while opening QS Reports.I visited File -> Reports to open 'Report Generator' window. Once I enter the 'Flat Files Directory' (the directory containing reports) and 'Reports Database' (
C:\Ascential\QualityStageDesigner75\Reports.mdb) and go for 'Get Report List', I get the following error :-

'Active X component can't create object'

4.Please describe the method of creating a QS plug-in in DataStage (to run a QualityStage job from DataStage).

Please help.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:41 am
by jhmckeever
Hi aaikat,
1.Can we define new rule set (other than the ones we have for Name,Address,Area) in QS .If 'yes' how ?
In QualityStage Designer, go to menu option "Rules" -> "Standardization Rules Management". From the dialog you can copy an existing ruleset which will create a new folder on your local machine containing files representing the new ruleset, for which you'll supply a name. You'll see the main components of a ruleset include DCT, CLS, and PAT files. You can edit these from the "Standardization Rules Management" dialog, or directly in their directory. On my machine it's in C:\Program Files\Ascential\QualityStageDesigner75\RULES.

I'd recommend copying any rulesets you're thinking of playing with. From there on you'll need to read the pattern action language manual (Sorry, there aren't many shortcuts to success with this one!)

2.Can we compare 2 source table data directly using QS 'Match' stage or we need to get the files out of the 2 tables.In other words, can we have QS input anything other than files ?
No - QualityStage uses flat, fixed width files. It's a little easier if you're working with QS in a DataStage environment as you can (effectively) stream data to QS like any other stage.

3.Facing the following error while opening QS Reports.I visited File -> Reports to open 'Report Generator' window. Once I enter the 'Flat Files Directory' (the directory containing reports) and 'Reports Database' (
C:\Ascential\QualityStageDesigner75\Reports.mdb) and go for 'Get Report List', I get the following error :-

'Active X component can't create object'
Verify your dialog entries against the documentation. Was your installation faultless? Sorry I can't be more specific without more information.

4.Please describe the method of creating a QS plug-in in DataStage (to run a QualityStage job from DataStage).
I could describe the steps, but there are plenty of other posts that do it better :D
Here's one:


Hope this helps,